Splintered Grace 💠

Catch Phrases We Choose to Live By

April 12, 2021 Bonnie Violet & Tina Frank Season 2 Episode 11
Splintered Grace 💠
Catch Phrases We Choose to Live By
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I think we have all hear catch phrases growing up.  Some of them we really didn't like.  Bonnie.Violet and I have found a few that we have adopted and actively use as a reminder of where we want to move to.  Join us as we share and open the conversation for other who want to participate.

We are back at it. Bonnie Violet and Tina Frank share how they work through dealing with the cultural issues with their many different ideas and beliefs.

Tina, a conservative christian woman and Bonnie Violet, a trans gender queer drag queen have an anti-cancel culture conversation. While many family members are choosing to no longer speak, we have chosen to sit at the table and engage in difficult conversation to find peace and restoration.

Tune in LIVE on YouTube every Monday at 1030 AM PST

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a queer chaplain 
Helping to lace one’s narrative with a spiritual thread.

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a queer chaplain 
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good morning uh i'm bonnie violet and you are at splintered grace uh so


glad that you could join us today and this is my co-host


good morning everybody happy monday it's tina frank here hey just very excited to um see you all


today kinda and i had to have a great conversation welcome welcome right as in kind of see you not that i'm


kind of glad to see you right oh i got you no i'm always glad to see you hear them


or however that's going to work today you can tell i'm still not tech savvy


huh um yes well i was just happy that we showed up on the


the cr the sides that we like to be on yeah yeah i was wondering about that i'm like


oh it's gonna be weird if i have to look someplace different so that i can i can see you yeah i know i told


myself okay you gotta click this one first and then that one that's so funny i'm so glad that's your


job and not my job because who knows if we'd even make it online right so off


yeah go ahead oh let's say so should we start by sharing a little bit about our weekends


sure we can do that do you want to go first um i can um i actually had a pretty


low profile weekend which i loved um i got to have some extra time with my


honey he was off an extra day this weekend so that was nice but um just spent some time doing some busy


work around the house um seeing some friends uh going to church on sunday morning which is one of


my favorite things to do in the week and uh yeah so it's pretty pretty easy working in my garden that makes me happy


nice nice you're saying you're like 90 degrees weather so it's pretty comfortable right now yeah


yeah we we kind of getting up a little earlier playing outside a little earlier but as


soon as the sun starts to go down it's really nice again so for me it's it's perfect nice


how about you sounds like you've had a lot going on this weekend also yeah and i got some sun for folks who can't


see but i got i got burnt pretty bad just on one half of my body um so


uh but it's like it's like i it's like i don't know like i've burned my whole life and there's


still some times when i'm like what are you like it's this isn't a new thing


like put on some sunscreen you know yeah i think just i just didn't realize it was going to be that nice and i


was standing out watching a drag show on the sidewalk and an hour and a half later you know on


the like so it's just kind of the way the way it goes it happens i remember


you and your little brother sometimes in the summer you always had to wear a t-shirt and if you forgot


sometimes you had to wear a t-shirt over your sunburn because it was so bad and i feel so bad


my body hurt just to see you guys and it was so not cute i mean we had to


because we had these huge blisters on the tops of our


we had them shoulders our ears and tops of our head no matter how much sunscreen we wore so


we weren't really allowed to be outside without shirts on and you know things like that so it was


yeah it was no fun thank goodness sunscreen has come a long way since then huh


yeah yeah it's definitely better um yeah it's definitely works it works really great when you use it yeah yeah you're gonna have to make


sure you have some in your bag at all times yes yes i did have a


um i've been uh you know i've been having a challenge with getting in to


see the doctor around um like a trans specific doctor for my


trans health stuff so i would i met with a doctor on friday


to um just to talk about starting hormones and i was really excited to start


hormones like then um and i talked with them and


we had a great discussion it was a really great visit and they're like yeah i think that you know hormones seems like a really good next step for you


and i was like yay let's do it and then she's like oh we can't do it today like we need to give you some time to


like read through some things and it's just protocol we'll have you come back for another


appointment and i was like i was so disappointed it was it was um


it was kind of refreshing in some ways because you can get so caught up in your like i


can get so caught up in my head that my head starts to take over like my


heart or my body and so like as soon as um i talked with her and she hung up


like i started crying um and i started crying about uh not getting getting to start yet and


so for me i felt that was like my heart and my body like taking over and being like hey


like get out of your head because the things that are in my head is just like people aren't gonna love you people aren't gonna understand you


people are gonna you know all these sorts of things um is what gets in the way rather than me just


doing what might feel right for me you know yeah yeah i i think it's good


though to make sure that you have a full understanding of everything i think they're they're doing really well with dotting their eyes and


crossing their teeth i think that's really a great sign that they care about the decisions that


you're making and they want to make sure that you make them the with all the information so that's encouraging to me as


as someone who loves you and uh wants the best for you yeah i and i've done a lot of the


research and like so for me it wasn't like i was just like it was a brand new thing i have a girlfriend in chicago


her and i wanted to go through the process together and so she's already like three weeks ahead of me so i was just eager to have


like a buddy um yeah and they go through this process that i can just kind of check in with


and see how it's going for her and i can see how it's going for me and so it's it's it's just a matter of


weeks or whatever um but it's so it's not really that big of a deal but i was it was just a kind of a cool i guess


that's what happened this weekend so i'm looking forward to at this point it looks like i will start in may


um unless an appointment opens up sooner okay oh cool well that's that's that's


awesome sounds like you had the kind of weekend that you were hoping for yes yes and you got to be outside


yeah i i mean i'm happy to be outside and be able to do do stuff i spent so


much time inside so i'm happy to be outside doing some stuff for sure should we get going on this


conversation with us all right yeah let's do it let's do it so you know um


we got we we we're blessed we get to talk a lot sometimes during the week and um talking about we want you guys to get


to know us a little better so one of the things that i like that i have done over my number of years


as i've grown older and more wiser is i have catch phrases


and from the time i was little um my mom used to give me these catchphrases not all of them that i liked


um but as i become an adult some of those catch phrases for me have been something that's


tangible that i can grab onto to remind me of where i'm moving towards and i think


i'm not always ready for this big full-off philosophical or logical conversation but a catchphrase that can


catch my attention can stop me in my tracks so that i can think through what happens next so we thought today we would share


some of those i've got a lot and i still have them in my space because i put them on sticky


notes on my computer i write them on my bathroom i write them in my journal


so i went through my journal and i wrote some down that i've had over over the years that still come up for me


once in a while when i'm having a challenge and i thought we would share some of those with you so how about you did you have some luck


trying to find some catchphrases yeah definitely um and yeah and like like i shared with you too when you


first said catch phrases i think of like reality tv tv shows when like the desperate housewife comes in or the


is that what it's called or like crack race or you know like some reality


show comes in and they have like kind of a catch phrase or like something that kind of says who they are in like just a couple of


sentences um but then once i looked it up i was like okay catch phrase like that so


in my circles in like recovery circles we call them like slogans i think so uh so yeah i did write down some of


those slogans or catch phrases and we'd also love to hear from folks who are listening


if you have a favorite or maybe you have one that you don't like uh that you want to share


with us um that would be great as well just put it in the comments and we um we'll we'll bring it up and talk about


it as well so did you want to come up with one first tina or did you want me


or how do i why don't we why don't we share the one that we both don't like that you already because we both are


like yeah no yeah i grew up with it was i i my father said it all the time and i


i i know it wasn't unique i think it was in the time but my father would always


say do as i say not as i do oh my gosh do you ever do you hear that now as an


adult still no the only time i hear about it is when people are like complaining about it


i i sometimes um especially when i'm in a situation where the family's


together and i don't want to do something but i want someone else to do something i think oh wait a second


why would i have someone else to do that if i'm not willing to do it myself so yeah that would come to my mind but yeah i didn't like that one growing up


at all good morning honey thanks for all the purple hearts oh good morning could join us honey


yes so was there other ones you didn't like i thought you might want another no no


that's probably the main one that that i didn't like i didn't like it when people would would tell me about about assuming


and i think we all know what that one is so and i still hear that as an adult i'm like come on


so i'm trying to i'm trying not to assume things about people which i think is a good practice for all of us


um but yeah yeah you just sent like the breakdown so to speak yeah


yeah i'm like wait a second i i don't consider myself an ass i don't consider you an ass i just was assuming something but


yeah so anyway those are the two that that i really didn't like that i heard growing up i'm sure if i really sat down


and thought about it i could probably come up with a few more and i promise if i really really thought about it right


um so thank goodness they all forgave me so we're all we're all hanging out together as well


but i have quite a few because you know i'm you're such a thinker and i'm really not


a a thinker thinker in the middle of stuff so well you know even our conversations


i'm more of a uh black and white and you're kind of a gray with a little bit of black a little


bit of white and and it's all good and that's and it's i think that's great but for me i need a quick black and


white sometimes to just help me to stay focused because i am in a constant state of change and


that's the desire of my heart is to not be the same tomorrow as i am today i want to always be moving forward


to be the best that i can be so i'll start with one i've got a whole lot of them so


try to put some of mine in order because when i write them in my journal sometimes they're kind of going through life circumstances like


that they've come up for me so the first one that i remember and i think you've heard me say this even now is um


the details of our day dictate the opportunities of our future


so that one for me really helps me to focus and prioritize the things i need to get


done each day because i don't know if you guys struggle with this or if you struggle with this bonnie but


i get distracted really really easy even this morning i got distracted and i lost like 30 minutes of my mind like dang it


um because i just i don't know i'll get going and doing something and then squirrel and i and i get over here and


then i find myself an hour later looking up and i've lost my whole schedule now for the day has gone crazy


and so i try to when i instead of getting frustrated because i tend to do that and then i just go over the deep end i just say okay


wait a second the details of my day are going to dictate the opportunities that are ahead of me tomorrow and the next


day and the month and what so what do i go back to now because i have to cut something at this point i spent time doing something i have to


cut my schedule so now what do i cut out of my schedule to be back on track so this is one that i i was thank


goodness i ran into early and i've been able to use over the years


to help me focus and i feel like this catchphrase right here it had a lot to do with the growing of


my business the opportunities that i had to work with with people that i have in the past


and so this one was really good so yeah there's a couple things that came up for me when you mentioned that


one is in recovery circles we we talk a lot about doing the next right thing um and that's


a way not to get stuck in the past or stuck in the future and and i like it it's evolved for me to


just do the next thing i don't do well to label things right and wrong


um i just feel like i don't know for me it's just better because i've always tried to do things right and i still did


wrong so i do this to try to just do the next thing um so that's what came up for me uh when


you mentioned that and then the other thing is i kind of relate to that because i am kind of such a thinker and like i


kind of all over the place um i've i think throughout my life i've


tried to control that like i've tried to um say no i need to put this off and do


this over here and what i've learned to do that i think is helpful


is to just kind of go with the flow because sometimes i mean there obviously there are some things that have to be


done and there's like a deadline and things like that but my energy and my interest also kind


of fluctuates so i usually try to like go with the flow so sometimes i might be like doing


a whole lot of stuff at once and then i'll have a period of time where like maybe i'm not doing that much


um but if i like if i zoom out like if i'm just looking at this day i


might think like oh my gosh i did nothing or i did way too much or whatever but if i look


at the whole week or if i look at the month then i can see that you know like i had three days of


this three days of that and then it kind of balances out a little bit more so sometimes it's easier for me just to


look from a little bit further back at like i guess what i'm doing or what


i'm not doing that's awesome that's what came to mind for me


that's i mean that's that's a great opportunity for us to learn a little bit more about who we are


so that's awesome do you have a catch phrase you want to share well um one that um


i was trying to i wrote down a few i was trying to think what really sticks out to me um i one of the things that i


found really helpful is to pause when agitated or doubtful


um so yeah so if ever i'm like agitated or not feeling right


i just pause instead of respond and then if i'm just not it keeps me


from making decisions hastily and it also keeps me from saying words


or responding to people in a way that i will later regret


that usually has nothing to do with them and has more to do with like like me and my state of self


at that time than it really has to do with like with that person a lot of some of the times that's good


that's a good one i'm going to write that one down michael looks like michael has one


michael is saying taking a step back and looking at the whole picture is so important i agree i agree and i don't


always do that i'm guilty of being tunnel visions sometimes well that makes me think of that have


you ever heard the term of you know it's i can't see the forest amongst among the trees oh yes or like are kind


of like getting into weeds you know i think that that makes me think of it's like i can't see the whole forest because i'm


just so stuck in what's like right in front of me yeah it's true i i


am guilty of that yeah and that can feel like super overwhelming at times that can be


disorienting um you feel like you're not like making progress


or maybe even that you're not a part of something beyond yourself or whatever i don't know


it can also keep you from from seeing opportunity or or moving in a in a positive direction


especially if you get from that overwhelmed position so yeah yeah yeah that's a good one i


hadn't thought of that one so cool i'll share i'll share another one um


okay because i'm a mature christian woman um i read my bible and there's a lot of


stuff in there and sometimes i'm better at living that stuff out than others


and so i remember one time being at church and there was a little thing i can't


remember the exact scripture but it was one of the scriptures that i know you know all the ones we know um


and the the pastor said read the scripture and he said and this landed on me and


i've never forgotten he says so now either you believe it or you believe god's a liar


it blew my mind i'm like so true because if i say that i'm a i'm a christian and i'm going to live


out what the word of god says about who i am if i will if i read it and i don't believe it then what other alternative


is there is god a liar and i was like oh my goodness so to and i'm grateful again


that i got i understood that um young in my walk with christ so that i'm


like okay i have to every time i read this bible every time i read what i'm saying or wrote what i read what the word of


god is saying i have a choice to make do i believe it or do i believe god's a liar so this


little phrase and this little and i hear it every time i every time i hear it it's his voice saying it on have


you ever had someone say something like that that's impacted so much every time it comes to your mind you hear their voice saying it


right right yes that's exactly but let me tell you that little catchphrase has freed me up of so much


it has been amazing it's helped me really to come into my identity um and to understand who i am as a


christian and it has just like empowered me i think to move forward that one little phrase


that that he said in that moment it truly truly had an impact on my life and do


does it is it usually the thing that comes to mind when you're talking about that is i think sometimes is it triggered by


fear is it the idea that you're like i guess the thing i think of is like if i can find myself


in fear or uncertain or questioning things then i can like check in with myself and say like but you don't


believe that like you believe that you're taken care of you believe that you know all these sorts of things so


i i just didn't know if that's what you meant or if it was something up well any anything like that fear is


definitely something you know the bible says do not fear all this we've had a lot of fear


happening over the last year so either do i believe i have i don't have to fear or is god a liar


you know the bible says that that i'm i'm uh more than a conqueror do i believe it


or is god a liar you know the bible says i'm saved by the blood of jesus do i believe it


or is he a liar so these are the things i have to you know he says he's my provider when i look at my checkbook it doesn't


always feel like that right i have to remember either i believe it or is god a liar


and so these are this particular phrase here it's a builder of my faith and it's helped me to gain confidence in


who i am as a christian so that i can move forward and have those things that god has laid out for


me so anyway that's one of this is one has really impacted me a lot


i hear that marcus says you go through it to get through it ah isn't that the


truth sometimes i'd like to skip the first part


it feels so yeah it's like yeah it's a great sentence it's kind of the


humor behind it too i think because we all we all can relate to it you go through


it i remember when i first um was getting sober um


my sponsor that i was working with at the time um there was i think i was probably


around i don't remember but at one point he told me uh he had me sit in a chair and he said


now try to get out of the chair like try to get out of the chair and you


can't really just try to get out of the chair you just have to get out of the chair you know


what i mean like if you're gonna get a chair you just gotta get out of the chair and so um that was something i think with um


recovery as well it was just like if you're gonna like if you're gonna be sober if you're gonna make


if you're gonna like you say to maybe even choose to to believe what god tells you then you have to like live as if you


just have to do it and believe it not like be you know that's right yeah that's really good that's a great


analogy when you said that a person like what is he gonna do sit on you so you can't get out


or tie you to the chair or whatever how do you try yeah that's good he's just like let me


figure out how to try and i'm like you can't try you just do yeah yeah see these little things as i


know as people you can use them enough in a flipping attitude or whatever if you really ponder these things it's


they really have impact yeah but don't don't fall prey to any little


cliche that comes around but i know for these had the ability to impact my life


if i thought through them and so i'm grateful that they have impacted my life because as part of


these catch phrases and the people who said them to me that have molded and shaped me into the


person i am today to give me a platform to move on to the person i'll be tomorrow


and and the system it's just amazing when i think about it these little things that has been used to shape my life


system it's a miracle in my mind i remember i i remember i often feel uncomfortable


when people tell me like they kind of like praise what i'm doing or they're like oh my god you're


doing this and like it's so great that you're doing this like and i'm like the only difference between people who


are doing stuff and not doing stuff is that they're doing it like there's


nothing special about me there is but there isn't right like i'm


doing it like i was talking after the show the other day or yesterday i was talking with linda


and vera another performer and they were talk we were talking about how like we sometimes


like decide say we're gonna do something and then when it's time to go do it we don't want to do it


and then when we do it we're like so glad that we did it you know and uh it's like all we have to


do sometimes is just show up you know just show up and let let go of like the rest


yeah that's true that's definitely true yeah any other um


electrical list do you have another one you want to share i don't want to do all the talking i've


i've been pretty pretty off track so having these cliches bring me back on track has been


really amazing i i use um i like i do use something from the bible


that um i actually tattooed on my arm because that's that's what uh what does it say i can't


do this uh can you i can't read it still and no


oh he's still in now okay yeah which the rest of this be still and know that i'm god right yep yeah so it's like and for me this


was the practice that i used when i um when wyatt passed away


and that's where he kicked my arm when he when he when he died and so i


put that um you know how we do back home people die and people get tattoos as


like a memory pencil i i kind of got that as like a reminder


and a marker of a really significant time in my life um so for me i have


because like i don't know if he's like i i can't be that girl who puts


sticky notes all over their mirror and they're in there and right on their in soap on there that


remind you like how awesome you are or that like what god is or you're like all those because i


forget so like i need those reminders but i've had a really hard time with putting like sticky notes


up so i just tattoo myself or or i have like a piece of art or i have something else that


kind of reminds me of that of that same thing so it's basically the same thing it's just


me tricking myself but i feel like that's a lot of what these things do is they just remind us


yeah of what it is that's true or what it is that we believe or what we


find helpful what we're pursuing you know i don't know i know we we're both pursuers um we're not


we're not the kind of people who just do nothing we just don't have that gene and so for me this helps me to pursue


with purpose because i don't want to just pursue anything i want to pursue with purpose


and these sketch phrases have helped me pursue with purpose all kinds of things


you know relationships um business uh faith all different kinds of things


and so i'm grateful um for these and some of these are things that you guys maybe have


heard some of them are going to be things that you haven't heard because they're specific to uh my journey so


[Music] what's another one oh you want me to share another one sorry


all right so this one you guys may not uh yeah but this is kind of like kind of i just kind of do them in a little bit of an order is why spend


another night with the frogs okay i know you're not gonna get that but if you don't mind i'll explain it


in that exodus eight that's the story of moses when he's taken all the people out


of egypt i think everyone has a general idea of what that looks like there was a whole bunch of plagues


that um egypt pursued because they wouldn't let the people go well one of the plagues was a bunch of


frogs and the frogs came and inundated the land was in people's clothes and


people's food and people's beds nobody could eat or sleep or whatever drink water because they were in the


water and so pharaoh asked moses to pray and eliminate the frogs


because he had done that with all the other plagues and it had eliminated right away so moses said to him okay when would you


like me to do that and he said tomorrow


why tomorrow why not right now not now and so this is a reminder for me of


the frogs that i have in my life why in the world what i want to carry in one more day


when i have the ability to take care of it right now so


for me this is why spend another night with the frog


i said catchphrase it reminds me of the like why i put off


today what you could do tomorrow is that very simple what do i put up till tomorrow what you can do today


yeah is that right that's funny i'm good at putting stuff


off until tomorrow too right


so yeah so that that that wasn't another one do you have one to share one one statement that i really um came


to love and it is another tattoo um which hopefully we'll see if i can


show this again um but uh basically


it's silence equals death ah okay yep yeah this particular artwork


is from keith herring and silence equals death was very um


very much kind of a slogan back in the beginning of the aids crisis um when people were dying of aids and


people were getting sick of like because they called it the day the gay cancer for a while they


they didn't know what it was like people were just dying and they didn't understand what was happening they started seeing it in


certain people but you know the president didn't talk about it that because it was impacting the people that


it was impacting um you know homes they had they talked about the 5hs and


it's kind of insensitive so i'm just putting it out there but in the beginning they thought it was like homosexuals heroin addicts


hookers haitians and because they were only


seeing it in these certain groups of people and they didn't know that it was sexually transmitted they didn't know it


was um you know like blood or they just didn't know any of that stuff in the beginning and


because of the people who were impacted by it and the people that were dying were not people that people cared


about like overall um then like the president wasn't talking about it or


it wasn't it just wasn't being talked about um in the general public and so we had to people had to stop


being silent in order to live and so i think it's a very um i think a


lot of folks can especially if you're in a marginalized group or you're feeling as if


your voice isn't getting heard for whatever reason then it's just the reminder that like to be silent um is to die


potentially that's powerful yeah and i think that's also like when


you see something harmful happening to be silent about it is you know what i mean it's not good


either so that's a good reminder casa maria is saying absolutely


uh love these discussions oh thank you for that


so you're welcome do you have any oh go ahead no what were you saying i didn't say so do you have any other tattoo reminders


um oh yeah so i have i'm trying to this the the this doesn't


have like a mirror okay or it does i don't know what it is but it's hard to okay


it's this side so i have i have my horse yeah i think can you see


that yeah horse yeah so like i have a seahorse on my neck and the seahorse is my


it's kind of like my spirit animal if you will and i know that sounds hokey


but basically it's an animal that reminded me of my childhood so when i was little i wrote a story


about uh seahorses when i was a kid in school and i remember also being really


intrigued because their gender roles are switched so like uh the males have the babies in seahorses


and so the the gender roles are kind of switched and so


as an i've gotten to a point in my life again where i'm kind of returning to my child


um because i feel like there was a lot of my child life my a lot of my childhood that i didn't really live out fully because


i was whatever you know too uptight um but anyway it's just kind of me remem


me reminding me returning to child later and on in life and then the fact that it happens to be like


gender gender i want to say gender i don't want to say the f word because


i don't want to put the e on our on our podcast


um but yeah like just to kind of mess with gender a little bit as well too um so it kind of speaks to my now too


so it's a reminder did you know that when you got your tattoo yeah mm-hmm yeah okay i didn't know that


until you just told me yeah i intentionally got it done well you were with me wait i don't doubt that


because i got it done in arizona actually i got it done in arizona the our big weekend i was with you i


think the girls were with you where were we at you might not have been with me i think


because we went to that sultan it was some sort of biblical actually um


wording that was a tattoo parlor that we went to oh you yeah i don't think i went with you there the last tattoo parlor i was in


i was with my daughter and she was actually getting some piercings in her ears right here for her headaches


oh oh my gosh let me tell you that freaked me out i know i know but i'm a mom it's my kid


i'm not sure how old she is so she's like come in with me mom i'm like oh please don't make me go in please don't make me go in but i went in


with her and uh when she's when she shrieked i just wanted to grab that guy


and say stop hurting my kid so i'm sure i was not with you


what if i would remember i know your girls were there i just thought i don't doubt that at all


i knew they were there because they helped me find the tattoo parlor and stuff but yeah that was the weekend that that we kind of i felt like we we like


had our um our moment where we were like shared with each other


you know is that the weekend we went to church together okay it was that trip because i got it


around it was around my 20-year anniversary of getting infected with hiv which is kind of what triggered me to go


to arizona to begin with um which that was a total god thing because


i thought i was there to deal with the hiv anniversary situation and i was actually


there to to reconnect with you um and uh so that that was just like a


magical moment but yeah so the the unico or the seahorse was a way of kind of like


um i guess marking that as kind of returning to what was raw i


guess what was robbed being younger you know by my hiv by just challenges


while growing up you know i um you know i was mute for a while when i was young i don't even know


for how long but you know there's times when i don't know i just feel like it's kind of returning to some of those spaces


where i felt like i've i missed out on something maybe and seeing if i can experience something different


gotcha do you have do you feel like these markings or your tattoos


are are positive reminders okay because i i'm thinking man these are kind of the sad sad stories


good but good but sad you know what i mean i'm moving forward for sure but i'm like oh those are sad if


anything i think that's what it i think that's what it does kind of it it switches


the it changes what that what that means right like yeah they might seem like my first


tattoo i actually got was a red ribbon uh for for having hiv and the reason


though that i got it and i got it on my hand when people like don't get a tattoo on your hand but i was like i didn't


want my hiv to get in the way of anything i did the rest of my life so it was me of saying you know what if


i can't do something because i have hiv i don't want to do it you know like i don't want to have a job that i can't be


open about where i would you know that's where i was at at that time in my life it was something that i did not want to


hide it was not something that i was willing to um i guess disregard for for no one


and so that was like my way of kind of marking it but yeah all my tattoos are kind of those um they're markings of


their yeah they're like markings of like good things and good reminders your chat your


tattoos are your growing catchphrases yes they are because i don't like sticky notes




my sticky notes though i can tear down and throw in the trash but yeah so but so i totally get it i


totally get it yeah but you know like like those sticky notes they can almost kind of blend in


you know like when you when something's been there long enough you just kind of even don't even notice it and so for me


they're such a part of my body and myself that they're there but they're not


they're not like super extreme but they're also not like you know they're they're not extreme they're just a part of me and yeah


um you know they're both a part of my experience um yeah that's good that's good so i have i


have another one that i think as i've gotten older has really helped i mean i have a bunch but this is a good one and if we run out


of time it'll be a good one to end on um i don't know if you struggled with


this but i struggled with this and i've had a couple of my girls that have struggled with this over the years and i've seen


my sister's kids struggle with some of this and it's it's the fear of being alone


and uh to the point where you went there just joking it's


it's true it's true though i struggled with it for years that i i couldn't stand being by myself


i'd rather be with with somebody even if they weren't a great person than to be with nobody


i would leave spaces and you know i just i just had to always be engaged it was


just and it was not fruitful for my life it was it was actually stealing from me my energy


my anxiety it was giving me anxiety i mean it was just not a healthy good thing so i found a quote um from


elizabeth elliott and the quote was a cure the cure for loneliness is


solitude and i was like oh my goodness i had to think about that at first i was like


wait a second but i was seeking out attention because i was i was lonely but the problem was i


couldn't define what that loneliness was what what what in me was missing that i


required such an engagement that i'd even be willing to compromise and be with people


who weren't so good for me you know what i mean i just had to go i just had to be around


whatever and when i learned how to be with myself


and to find the peace and solitude that whole thing changed and and even


when i'm physically alone i don't feel alone yeah i find that


that's a time for me that's really a a refreshiness a freshness for me


a time for me to think through things that i want to think through a time for me to to develop characteristics that i want


to develop within myself without any influence from the people around me and it was really really hard


and this is one i have and i keep with me and i still when i when i'm in those moments because


i don't know if you ever get overwhelmed sometimes i'll let myself especially with my schedule or with things


i'll i'll allow myself to get a warm and i'll say wait it's kind of that pause that you were talking about wait


and and this is what i go to what is this loneliness i'm feeling what is this anxiety that i'm feeling right now


and then i'll get some solitude or some time with myself and then i can actually think and process and for me


i'm a i i christian so i read my bible sometimes during those moments i'll just sit still


and i'll just meditate on all those things all those affirmations on whatever it is i need to do


and it helps so much so this is one that will probably go with me for my whole life but this one was really uh life-changing


for me yeah it reminds me of a couple of things in recovery a lot they talk about are like


one of the things that i do like i used to kind of label label things not so great so


there are times when i feel like i would isolate myself from everyone and feel like i'm pulling away


from everyone or whatever and then what i've really tried to look at is like how can this be more of like


hibernation you know hibernation is a time that we go away and we you know we restore we rest we you know


we get to a space in which we can go back into the world so sometimes i can relabel


isolation with hibernation if it's true because i can just be isolating for the


sake of isolating but maybe if um maybe there's something i can do that within that isolation kind


of like you talked about with solitude to make it make it matter a little bit more


it also made me think of don't don't go to the hardware store to get


milk you know like it's like you and i think


what that takes is like a lot of you knowing yourself and knowing what um


what you really need like this might be a little bit of an overshare but it was something that happened to me recently that i thought was a big


growth moment um and it happened in shelter in place actually i had met this guy that i was talking to


i think i shared with you that i was talking with him um and i was really really liking him


um we were having really great conversations and things were going really well and with shelter in place we were trying


to navigate how we could actually meet each other because we actually never got to meet each other face to face


until many months after we had been talking and so we had set up times to try to get together and we kept


canceling them um and so we kind of had had a lot of ever things happen in our


relationship except for kind of the physical aspects of being with one another and i um we finally were able to do that


and we had a plan and i was gonna i'm gonna go see him and spend some time with him and then my girlfriend ali passed away


and i was feeling very um obviously i was feeling very sad very


vulnerable i i was feeling responsible i was feeling a lot of certain things and in a lot of ways i


just wanted to be held and i wanted to be like comforted


but i knew that he was not the person to do that for me


and so i was able to call him and tell him and just let him know you


know like i would love to spend time with you i want to get to know you more and be in the same space three with you


but right now i just can't do that because i am in need of these sorts of things but i don't think it's appropriate for


me to ask that of you or to to bring that to you and i think that that was a very big


growth moment for me because i think there are plenty of times where i just would have went anyway i would wait anyway because i didn't


want him to think that i was no longer interested or because i didn't realize that


you know like i would be trying to get a different connection than what what i was really needing


or desiring so i think that's what that statement is all about


yeah that's good that's a great analogy thanks for sharing i know that was a vulnerable point for you


yeah it's a i mean it's a little a little scandalous maybe i don't know candlelit


definitely more personal so okay did you have another one to share do i have another one to share oh well


one of the things that i think is helpful sometimes is um and you might find this um useful but


to allow i was talking with a friend actually linda summers who's a good friend of mine and she was


taught we were talking and um you know sometimes we we have situations and we have people in our life that are


going through really difficult times and we don't often know how


to help people and oftentimes there's nothing we can do to help people um and so


one of the things that um that i find helpful to think of sometimes is to allow people


um the dignity of their own experience so sometimes it's just like sometimes we


have to get out of the way and let people have the experience they have they're


gonna have um regardless if like because it can come from a space of i don't want them to get hurt i want


them to to have a better life for a better experience but um at the end of the day i'm just


potentially getting in the way of of them being able to to learn or grow or


or experience whatever it is that they need to experience themselves with so i find that helpful


to to try to remember at times yeah it's hard especially when it's someone that you love


or or your child or your sibling or or someone like that it's it's really


hard and it can cause all kinds of other challenges too yeah


but i know that i've i've learned more um through my experience


than than anyone's ever taught me or told me um as i've getting older gotten older i


can be more willing to listen to other people's experiences so that i can maybe avoid some but i


know growing like as a young person and even into later in life you know i still had to


have some of those experiences on my own and and there were probably people who did try


try to um intervene and be helpful um in ways that that


maybe weren't um but i i think those experiences are necessary


to help us build character and and they're not they're not comfortable for the person going through them


and they're not comfortable for the people who love them watching them go through it and i've seen where things like that


happen and there's an expectation sometimes on one side or the other for someone to step in and when they don't


um it causes people to get hurt or or to even break relationship or change the status


of the relationship that they have with that person and so it's it's it's not easy it is not an easy position for either person


but i think you're right i think it's it's it's very necessary and it's a growing point for both people involved


in in that process so yeah stop it armani you're making me blush


that's all armani says bonnie you look so good thanks love that's awesome that is


awesome it's funny because i wasn't feeling it today i was like


coming together but but uh you know it all works itself out in the end good sure it's great to see your mommy


okay so is it my turn for another one it sure is we have about ten more


minutes though okay i have a uh the one that i'm i'm


working on now and i think we both have been experiencing this together and my church has actually


adopted this now recently too and it's uh we are better together


um because i don't believe and i i know i've shared this before that i wasn't created to be all by myself


and so i believe that the people that i have around me make me better so together we're better


this show is much better with us together than at least with me by myself


you can probably i think last week you went away for a


second for like 10 seconds or something i didn't know what to do i like i couldn't do it without you


so this is a new something for me that i'll probably also have for my life is that uh we are better


together because i really i don't want to squander any relationships that i have


and and man over time i've sure done my share of crazy and then things to isolate


people from my life and i don't want to do any of that anymore so i definitely know that we are better together and i'm


committed to the together part and you guys just have to deal with me helping me to be better


but i'm committed to to the process so it's something i have this is probably the biggest note that i have on my


computer is that we are better together because i do have a tendency to pull away because it's much easier


just to manage myself and to try to manage how other people perceive me manage how other people want


me to be expectations that people around me may have it's just much easier if i can just


pull back and just do my thing but i know that i'm a better person when i'm with other people so


we are better together yeah so that's one of those stickies that they use at a conference like those really big ones


that they write all them yes exactly it's on the whole wall right


um one more one thing that i so like and i i like like in recovery in


recovery it's like um but um you know a lot of i look at my


recovery as like um a disease or an illness um and a part of treating and


for me i feel like there's also like a spiritual malady i think i had us


like i needed a spiritual solution i think to let go of my drug use and so um and there was a lot


of um secrecy and so a lot of folks in recovery um say we're


only as sick as our secrets and so that's something that i really


um i really value and think of and it's something that's always been there for me i remember even when i was first


drinking and using i was very much like one of the justifications was well if i'm being honest about it and everybody


knows then um it kind of makes it okay right


or at least it's truth right um so i think in some ways um you know i think i i don't like to


say that that was bad that was just a time in my life that doesn't work for me anymore so


i still just kind of like think about like are there things that i'm not sharing with with at least one other


person um so i think that that's probably one of the biggest tools i think i use is like i'm


only as sick as as my as my secrets and maybe it's i'm only as spiritually sick


as my secrets you know um yeah that's a good one yeah and for a long time i just didn't


know um i don't know i guess i was


i didn't notice that i was keeping secrets yeah so it's nice to have that awareness


it was definitely nice to have an emergency one of the things that i have tried to live by is to be the same


person in secret that i am in public [Music] because if you're not that's a lot to


manage oh my goodness i've been there right well and you're there all the time so


it's like you're not full you know what i mean like you're in both of those scenarios so you're not really


you know fooling anyone yeah sorry yeah so that's so that's something i strive for because


again i have a tendency to put on that fake persona and walk out the front door and


i don't want to do that i'm i'm want to be the same person i'm out of here in my house


we're out in public or if i'm by myself if the decisions come up i want to make the same decision no matter what what this is


right so and it doesn't and i don't and i don't think that means everybody needs to know


your business not everybody not everybody deserves to know you in that way


right um so i think that's the other part too is finding a way to discern


um who you can share something with you know i have i have mentors spiritual mentors that i


can talk to you're you're one of those people that i can talk to about some of those things um but i don't take everything to you i


don't you know got the a function of god can be that you can take everything to god


um so it just kind of um depends so i guess that's all i want to say to that too it's like


we don't want to go down a rabbit trail somewhere here right so we are about done


do you want to take us out and say goodbye say anything yeah i'm happy to do that so as always


you guys it has been our pleasure to engage in conversation with you i hope that you have some catch phrases


now that maybe you're living by or moving forward with feel free to still share those with us


um we would love to still hear those because i could maybe can use those sometimes


those things are things i'm looking for and i'm trying to work through something in that catchphrase it's just enough


to get my attention so that i can move forward so thanks for joining us today we are blessed to be a part of your


monday yes and i next week is our last it's our 12th episode so oh my gosh


i know so it's our last episode of the season um


at least that's that was our plan um so i think so next week will be our last


week um so um join us and if you have things you want us to talk about please do let us


know um and then we will you know we'll take a few week break um you know and then come back i think i


know i would like to but we we can we can figure that out but also we've been also thinking about maybe


is there a possibility of having guests or having you know like maybe in another season so


if you folks have any ideas of things that you would like to see us spend more time on or to explore


we'd really love to hear that from you as well does that sound good yeah that's great


you did a great job you always agree all right well thanks everyone you take care and have a blessed rest of


your week and we will see you next week bye everybody bye-bye splintered grace podcast


is brought to you by a queer chaplain follow us on all of our social medias


instagram youtube and facebook at the queer chaplain


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feel free to tip us at venmo bonnie violet and support monthly on patreon the song is original by steven


sandman the chasm between us rest in peace



